2 February 2023 5 pm Kunstquatier Bethanien, Berlin
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
About the no more existing Albert-Theatre
composition + camera + film direction: Helmut Oehring
audio/video production: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
archiving advise: Thomas Thorausch

4 February 2023 23:03 SWR 2 OHNE LIMIT
welcher Gott! (Hundesohn)
audioplay on texts from Ludwig van Beethoven's letters and from interviews
composition + direction: Helmut Oehring
textbook + dramaturgy: Stefanie Wördemann
soundrealisation + sounddirection + compositorial collaboration: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p.
author production for SWR
editor: Manfred Hess
with: Gregor Wiest and music by Helmut Oehring + Ludwig van Beethoven + BUG ROZER

Alwynne Pritchard in
Bergen International Festival 2015
28 February 2022 9 pm BKA-Theater, Berlin
Unheard Music
LostDOG for a performer + preproduced audioplay
audioconception + -production: Torsten Ottersberg/GOGH s.m.p.
Alwynne Pritchard
30 March 2023 Vineyard Zimmerling, Dresden
Sculptures by Malgorzata Chodakowska
κάθαρσι / KATHARSIS III for violin + multichanell audioplay + dance choroegraphy
Florian Mayer + Katja Erfurth
30 March 2023 Elisabeth SchneiderStiftung, Freiburg
31 March 2023 Le Cap, French Church, Bern
KLEEmusik for bassclarinet
Andrea Nagy
EURYDIKE? volume 1 Trailer
15 April 2023 Hof Quillo Falkenhagen
16 April 2023 Rofinpark Eberswalde
ConcertSignDanceFilmPerformance in four parts
EURYDIKE vol.1 film + live performance for dancer/performer + violinist/performer
FALSE for dancer/performerin + violinist/performer + septet (world premiere)
κάθαρσι / KATHARSIS III for violin + dancer/SignMimoChoreography
concert+reading with compositions for solo, duo to quintet
BEETHOVEN? The redemptive fault DanceMusicFilmDrama
AUGE for SignMimoChoreography
ZUNGE new version for bass flute (world premiere)
Panel discussion
Ensemble Quillo
celesta + musical direction: Max Renne
bass flute: Ursula Weiler
percussion: Dominic Oelze
e-guitar: Daniel Göritz
violoncello: Luise Rau
accordion: Felix Kroll
violin + performance: Julia Yoo Soon Gröning
dance + performance: Mia Carla Oehring
choreography + direction: Helmut Oehring
dramaturgy + co-direction: Stefanie Wördemann
audio+ video production + sound direction: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p.
BEETHOVEN? (Der erlösende Fehler) Trailer
24 April 2023 7:30 pm VIDA! science centrum Brno
POLAROIDS melodrama for deafmute sign soloist + contratenor + 12 instruments + live electronics
Brno Contemporary Orchestra
28 + 30 April 2023 Big Hall of Villa Wigman, Dresden
As part of the Artistic Series No 2
Fluch T raum for dancer + preproduced audioplay
composition + signpoetic choreography: Helmut Oehring
choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth

Hagen Klennert
Magere Hein in het gezelschap van twee Tinsel Stallions (Gevatter Tod in Begleitung zweier Lamettahengste)
GrafikFotoCollage 2022
5 May 2023 Clarinet-Festival Netzeband
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA) II
Contrapasso VI – VIII (to: Sergej Schoigu / Sergej Naryschkin)
on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for 3 bassclarinets + SignMimoChoreografie + obligatory audioplay (world premiere)
Sabina Matthus-Bébié + Petra Stump-Linshalm + Heinz-Peter Linshalm
13 May 2023 3 pm John Heartfield House Waldsieversdorf
Tanz: Katja Erfurth
Violine: Florian Mayer
Lecture: Helmut Oehring
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
About the no more existing Albert-Theatre
composition + camera + film direction: Helmut Oehring
audio/video production: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
archiving advise: Thomas Thorausch
An event of the John Heartfield friendship circle in cooperation with the Academy of The Arts Berlin
18 + 19 + 20 + 21 May 2023 6 pm Societhaetstheater Dresden
... DA / SEIN ...
Brücke (aus: Stille / Tage) for dancer + voice + violin
composition: Helmut Oehring
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
voice: Julia Böhme
violin: Florian Mayer
25 – 27 May 2023 European Centre of The Arts HELLERAU Dresden
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
About the no more existing Albert-Theatre
composition + camera + film direction: Helmut Oehring
audio/video production: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
archiving advise: Thomas Thorausch
11 June 2023 5 pm St. Jakobus Church Pesterwitz
as well as
with music by Johann Sebastian Bach + Niccòlo Paganini + Erwin Schulhoff + Florian Mayer et al.
and compositions + texts by Helmut Oehring
Reading: Helmut Oehring
Dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
25 June 2023 3 pm John Heartfield House Waldsieversdorf
Join Dada ! 20 years Heartfield in Waldsieversdorf
music on the FilmCollage The Bankruptcy-Jazz (2009 Herrebout / van Maaren)
Klaus Staeck + Bob Sondermeijer
Helmut Oehring + Ensemble Quillo
An event of the Academy of The Arts Berlin and the John Heartfield friendship circle
2 July 2023 Theater am Rand, Oderaue
ConcertReading with compositions for solo, duo to quintet
Helmut Oehring + Ensemble Quillo
22 August 2023 12:05 am Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Sharp with knowledge and bitter with longing The composer Helmut Oehring
a portrait feature by Gisela Nauck
excerpts from [iɱˈfɛrno] (aus: MAPPA) collective lovemusic 25 November 2022 Arsenal de Metz
16 September 2023 Festival Musica Strasbourg
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA) I
Contrapasso I – V (to: Wladimir Putin / Sergej Lawrow)
based on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for bass flute + bass clarinet + violoncello + electric guitar + audioplay + SignMimoChoreography
idea + composition + choreography: Helmut Oehring
audioplay-production: GOGH s.m.p.
collective lovemusic Strasbourg
bassflute: Emiliano Gavito
bassclarinet: Adam Starkie
violoncello: Lola Malique
e-guitar: Christian Lozano Sedano
commissioned by Klangwerkstatt – festival for new music Berlin and LVMSC lovemusic Strasbourg
12 October 2023 Zeitgenuss Festival Karlsruhe
CHOROS II for four guitarists + SignMimoChorepgraphy (world premiere)
Dedicated to Aleph Guitar Quartet on the occasion of their 30th birthday in 2023
Aleph Guitar Quartet
SignMimoPerformance / Video: Helmut Oehring
14 October 2023 ZeitGenuss Festival Karlsruhe
(fāld) nicht ERSTARREN for e-guitar + keyboard + e-drum set (world premiere)
Pony Says
22 October 2023 11 – 17 pm Villa Wigman Dresden
Ver_Wand_Lung for dancer + trumpet / audioplay (world premiere)cc
composition: Helmut Oehring
choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
29 Oktober 2023 5 pm Alter Stadthaussaal Winterthur/Schweiz
Sounds after Klee
KLEEmusic version for bass clarinet
Ensemble Aventure Freiburg
3 November 2023 6 pm Conservatório de Música de Coimbra, Portugal
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA) I
Contrapasso I – V (to: Wladimir Putin / Sergej Lawrow)
based on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for bass flute + bass clarinet + violoncello + electric guitar + audioplay + SignMimoChoreography
idea + composition + choreography: Helmut Oehring
audioplay-production: GOGH s.m.p.
collective lovemusic Strasbourg
bassflute: Emiliano Gavito
bassclarinet: Adam Starkie
violoncello: Lola Malique
e-guitar: Christian Lozano Sedano
commissioned by Klangwerkstatt – festival for new music Berlin and LVMSC lovemusic Strasbourg
9 – 12 Novembre 2023 HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, Great Hall
EURYDIKE? vol. 2
DanceMusicVideoInstallation for three female dancers + violin soloist + three accordion soloists
+ 2channel video + 10.2-channel audio
with the participation of male prisoners of the prisons of Dresden and Bautzen
and the choir of the prison of Dresden
idea + composition + SignMimoChoreography + direction + camera: Helmut Oehring
audio+video production + sound direction + film editing: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH smp
text book + dramaturgy + photography: Stefanie Wördemann
dancers / vocalists: Katja Erfurth + Mia Carla Oehring + Kassandra Wedel
violin soloist / vocalist: Florian Mayer
accordion soloists / vocalists: Felix Kroll + Silke Lange + Susanne Stock
performer / vocalist: Joscha Oehring
singer + choir: male prisoners / choir of the prison Dresden
composition commissioned by the European Center for the Arts HELLERAU,
financed by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation

15 November 2023 Gare du Nord Basel
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA) I
Contrapasso I – V (to: Wladimir Putin / Sergej Lawrow)
based on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for bass flute + bass clarinet + violoncello + electric guitar + audioplay + SignMimoChoreography
idea + composition + choreography: Helmut Oehring
audioplay-production: GOGH s.m.p.
collective lovemusic Strasbourg
bassflute: Emiliano Gavito
bassclarinet: Adam Starkie
violoncello: Lola Malique
e-guitar: Christian Lozano Sedano
commissioned by Klangwerkstatt – festival for new music Berlin and LVMSC lovemusic Strasbourg
1 + 2 December 2023 Societaetstheater Dresden
Woman with no limit
κάθαρσι / KATHARSIS I – III for violin + multichannelaudioplay + dancechoreography
Mit: Florian Mayer + Katja Erfurth
15 December 2023 5 pm HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts Dresden
16 December 2023 5 pm HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts Dresden
17 December 2023 2:30 pm HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts Dresden
WANDELN For small and big people
with music by Johann Sebastian Bach + Antonio Vivaldi + Florian Meyer + Helmut Oehring a.o.
WANDELN for female dancer + violin + audioplay (world premiere)cc
composition: Helmut Oehring
choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
in cooperation with the Dresden-Frankfurt-Dance-Company
16 December 2023 Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
(fāld) nicht ERSTARREN for e-guitar + keyboard + e-drumset
Pony Says